1613 Hillside Avenue New Hyde Park, NY 11040
You have the right to be given information about your proposed surgery so that you may make an informed decision to have or not have surgery.
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You have the right and the obligation to make decisions regarding your healthcare.
Do NOT eat anything until the anesthesia wears off, as you might bite your lips, cheek, or tongue and cause damage.
This is my consent for the doctors of Progressive Endodontics and their staff to examine and perform root canal therapy for my tooth/teeth,
Medical Clearance for Dental Treatment
As your mouth heals, you can promote faster healing and avoid complications by simply following these instructions.
Post Operative Instructions For Patients Who Have Undergone Implants Surgery.
Color Spotting on the teeth may occur after Zoom In- Office Whitening due to temporary dehydration of the teeth.
This information has been given to me so that I can make an informed decision about having my teeth whitened.
Dental core build -up fillings are restorations that fill and restore the crown portion of the tooth restoring it to their natural size, shape and very often the natural color.